This is a follow up article showcasing the results of the Beers Made by Walking - Inspirations from Nature Mount Sutro hike!
Beers Made By Walking & Sutro Stewards created a public showcase to release 6 new beers inspired by the trails of Mount Sutro and journeys inside Western Sonoma. The tapping was held in Grotto Room of the Sports Basement and was a huge SOLD OUT success!
Sutro Stewards, a non profit organization who bring public nature experiences to San Francisco residents, created a series of hikes targeted at local brewers to inspire and educate. In summary, hikes were conducted, beers were made, and a closer relationship to nature was fostered. Everybody wins!

Not to forget, all proceeds from the event benefit the Sutro Stewards directly (for even more nature goodness!).
This was a fantastic and unique event you don't want to miss next year. These limited ales are also still available at certain brewery taprooms (i.e. ThirstyBear Brewing, etc)
Here's a cool list of the beers we tried:
- Sirwisa Brewing Collective Session IPA with Local Tea This crew of homebrewers crafted a session IPA with local tea and will also be bringing some other interesting beers to the event.
- Woods Beer Co. in collaboration with Fort Point Beer Co. Belgian Pale with Sage This beer features foraged sage from Sutro Heights and is fermented with Fort Point Park Yeast.
- 21st Amendment Brewery Cask of St. Sutro This Belgian-style Blonde Ale features additions of Yerba Buena and wild sage. This cask version includes "dry-hopped" Hummingbird Sage.
- Barrel Head Brewhouse Cask of Belgian Blonde This Belgian-style Blonde Ale features a "dry-hopped" addition of black sage.
- Headlands Brewing Cask of One Pils Makes You Lager A cask beer with additions of Mount Tamalpais Chanterelles, Yerba Buena Mint and Hummingbird Sage.
- Magnolia Brewery Golden Rabbit Ale A golden ale brewed with three hop varietals, directly sourced malt and finished with Doug Fir tips, Madrone bark, Madrone berries, California bay laurel leaves and Pineapple Sage. This beer was inspired by journeys to Golden Rabbit Ranch in western Sonoma.
- ThirstyBear Brewing Yerba Buena Pale Gruit In lieu of hops, this beer features mugwort, sage and manzanita, is then fermented with a Belgian yeast strain and finished with a tincture of Yerba Buena tea.